Thriving Adoptees - Let's Thrive

Authentic With Anna Jinja

Episode Summary

Anna used to spread hate about herself being adopted and did everything she could to avoid talking about it. Now she runs a podcast and discusses adoption all the time. So what changed? Listen in as we talk identity, transracial adoption and most of all, being authentic.

Episode Notes

Anna used to spread hate about herself being adopted and did everything she could to avoid talking about it. Now she runs a podcast and discusses adoption all the time. So what changed? Listen in as we talk identity, transracial adoption and most of all, being authentic.

Anna Jinja Mather was adopted from Seoul, Korea, and grew up in Iowa. Her heart is filled with love for people and their stories. By sharing her adoption story and all that she is learning to help her navigate through personal and professional challenges, she hopes that this will lead us to believe, accept, and value the inherent worthiness of all people.

Anna invites you to join her learning adventure by listening to the people and creative content that makes her feel at home in this world.

Check out her book