Thriving Adoptees - Let's Thrive

Being Who Our Kids Need Us To Be With Gayle Swift

Episode Summary

Tune in as Gayle talks about how to tune into our kids' needs to help them thrive. Kids speak through their behaviours. We need to look upstream of what they do to understand how they feel. When we understand how they feel we're in a better place to empathise, bond and help them heal.

Episode Notes

An adoptive mother of two now-adult children and a former foster parent, Gayle H. Swift is also a certified coach, co-founder of  GIFT (Growing Intentional Families Together). GIFT provides family coaching before, during and after adoption, a former teacher, and former newsletter editor. As a staunch adoptee-rights activist, Gayle has presented at the North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC) Conference. She believes in the power of books to inform, heal, and create community.

Gayle is also fifty-six year survivor of ovarian cancer, she values the blessing of family relationships. Gayle has zip-lined in Costa Rica, paraglided in Peru, hiked to the Sun Gate above the citadel of Machu Picchu, and snow-shoed in Antarctica but parenting proved to be the greatest adventure of her life.

She has collaborated with her daughter, Casey A. Swift (an adoptee, media specialist, teacher, and the  2017 Teacher of the Year for her school ) on two award-winning books: ABC Adoption and Me and We’re Adopted, So What? Teens Tell It Like It Is. Then, with her GIFT Family Services colleague, Sally Ankerfelt, they co-authored Reimagining Adoption: What Adoptees Seek From Families and Faith, an award-winning publication.

Gayle has won six Royal Palm Literary Awards.

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Here's more about Gail's organisation from their website.

At Growing Intentional Families Together, we believe that the decision to adopt a child is yours and yours alone. We know that you have what it takes to discern whether adoption is right for you. Our adoption coaches all are adoptive parents or adoptees. We are here to give you tools, insights, and behind-the-scenes information that will help you feel confident in your decision. If you currently are parenting a child through adoption, Growing Intentional Families Together stands ready to help you navigate the joys and challenges of parenting. Through it all, we are here with skilled support so your adoption journey is as successful and fulfilling as it can be.