Thriving Adoptees - Let's Thrive

Confidence With Jennifer Jue-Steuck

Episode Summary

Lacking knowledge of our history can impact our confidence. So what do we do? How can we be more confidence whatever the uncertainty of our roots? Listen in as Jen and I dive deep into overcoming some of our essential challenges as adoptees.

Episode Notes

Lacking knowledge of our history can impact our confidence. So what do we do? How can we be more confidence whatever the uncertainty of our roots? Listen in as Jen and I dive deep into overcoming some of our essential challenges as adoptees.

From Laguna Beach (Orange County), California, Jennifer Bao Yu "Precious Jade" Jue-Steuck is an author, screenwriter, children's novelist, adoption researcher, and adoption columnist. Adopted from Taipei (by an American family from Los Angeles), Jennifer is a graduate of New York University's Tisch School of the Arts and Harvard University, where she was a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Scholar.

She is the founder of Chinese Adoptee Links (CAL) International — Global Generations, the first global group created by and for the more than 150,000 Chinese adoptees growing up in 26+ countries around the world. She currently serves as the co-founder of Harvardwood Vancouver-Seattle (for Harvard alumni in the Arts & Entertainment), and is the West Coast Brand Ambassador for Harvard Alumni Entrepreneurs (HAE) Canada.

Jennifer has given more than 100+ adoption talks in 8 countries, including several Keynote Speeches, on behalf of the international adoption community. A contributor to St. Martin’s Press, Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Conde Nast and more, Jennifer was recently awarded a runner-up prize by International Thriller Writers (ITW). She won her first writing competition at age 9, and has been writing ever since. The Stepmother's Project is Jennifer's first Canadian global media project ("EVERY MOTHER MATTERS").