Thriving Adoptees - Let's Heal

Epiphany With Fiona Myles Adoptee, Adopter, Author

Episode Summary

What changes us? Epiphanies. Insights. Religious. Not religious. Seeing the world differently is the most powerful driver of change. But it's overshadowed by lots of other things in our culture. Things like strategy. In this episode we go deep into epiphanies and insights as Fiona shares her story as both an adoptee and adopter. I add my non-religious take. Our aim is to catalyse insights in you the listener.

Episode Notes

This Is Me - No Darkness Too Deep

Here's a bit about Fiona's Autobiography

"This is my story, a harrowing account of me as a young mixed up teenager going down many wrong paths, into the darkness of drug and alcohol addiction, prostitutution and surviving more than one life-or-death moment in the midst of the madness.  The book also details my encounter with Christ and the journey of a baby Christian trying to find their feet in a church where not many had come from my background. 

One of the main factors I believe led me to head off down the paths I did is that I am adopted. I struggled greatly with the concept as a child, not really feeling like I fitted in anywhere, always looking for something to meet the need for connection in my life. "