Thriving Adoptees - Let's Thrive

Finding Home With Sloane Walker and Guest Co-Host Jude Hung

Episode Summary

Join us as we delve into the journey of adoptee Sloane Walker. Discover how Sloane has transformed her home into an oasis, reflecting the harmony and peace she is cultivating within herself. Gain insights into her unique Pentacle Program, designed to guide others on their path of self-discovery and create a space that truly resonates with their essence and brings joy to their lives.

Episode Notes

Join us as we delve into the journey of adoptee Sloane Walker. Discover how Sloane has transformed her home into an oasis, reflecting the harmony and peace she is cultivating within herself. Gain insights into her unique Pentacle Program, designed to guide others on their path of self-discovery and create a space that truly resonates with their essence and brings joy to their lives. 

Sloane Walker, M.Ed., a BSE DIA, has come full circle in recent years since her reunion in 2019. After losing her adoptive mom in 2003, she experienced a profound identity crisis and realized that she wasn’t living up to her own potential. Over the past two decades, she has worked on radical self-acceptance and embracing her shadow side. As a 3rd Degree High Priestess and certified whole person life coach, she works with other adoptees and early childhood trauma survivors to facilitate their internal and external transformations. As a 30-year Interior Design veteran, specializing in Kitchen & Bath Design, Sloane’s philosophy is that one’s home environment is a direct reflection of their psyche. Whatever is going on internally will often manifest externally. A chaotic mind may look like excessive clutter and doom piles, while someone who is in denial of their trauma or unable to process past events may live in a space that is overly sterile, impersonal, and austere. Neither is particularly healthy. Through my Pentacle Path signature program, I work with clients to integrate Body, Mind & Spirit with their home environment to create their ideal reality.