Thriving Adoptees - Let's Thrive

Fog, Mist & Brilliant Sunshine With Greg Gentry

Episode Summary

Coming out of the fog reveals our trauma. We become conscious of what was subconscious. But who we really are remains shrouded in mist. We just can't see it. Join Greg and I on the journey to seeing our essence. Depth reveals truths. You're going to love this if you want clarity on identity.

Episode Notes

Coming out of the fog reveals our trauma. We become conscious of what was subconscious. But who we really are remains shrouded in mist. We just can't see it. Join Greg and I on the journey to seeing our essence. Depth reveals truths. You're going to love this if you want clarity on identity.

I found this excellent bio on Jennifer Dyan Ghoston's website for the Once Upon A Time  In Adoptee Land Podcast:

Greg Gentry is a domestic baby scoop era adoptee, born in California in 1969. He has been in reunion with maternal family members since 2006, and in 2021 also connected with his paternal side. Greg is a facilitator and interviewer for Fireside Adoptees, a private Facebook group founded in 2021, which is committed to additional outreach through its public Facebook page and through the Fireside Adoptees Constellation private Facebook group. Greg is also an administrator and facilitator within the Adoption Trauma Network and the host of Adoptees Connect out of Derry, New Hampshire. He enjoys connecting with others in the online adoptee community, and has found these interactions to be richly rewarding and supportive. 

Listen to Greg and Jennifer talking here

Connect with Greg here:

Join Fireside Adoptees here:

Visit their public Page