Alejandro's story is so incredible that it'll take your breath away like it did with mine. I tried to summarise it here but found I couldn't do justice to it in a couple of sentences so I decided not to try to. Listen back and be prepared to be inspired on this rollercoaster of a ride.
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“CAW” is an organization realized for those adopted from Chile or even within the country borders in order to provide them with a platform they can relate to.
In the 70s, 80s and 90s there has been a wave of children leaving the country and due to this phenomenon they are currently spread all over the world. These decades have known to be very difficult times for the countries history due to the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.
Since some years however, it is known that many of these children have not been left by their mothers and/or families voluntarily. As a result, today there is an official investigations in progress that tries to identify those involved. The official complaints of families who have lost their children under the most strange circumstances are still coming in on a daily basis and official numbers have past the amount of 10.000 official declarations in the year 2018.
Chilean Adoptees Worldwide (CAW) was founded in Chile in 2018 by Alejandro Quezada, Angélica Martínez and Jessica Pincheira who were adopted illegally and lived the biggest parts of their lifes in resp. The Netherlands, Sweden and Belgium. Alejandro went to live in Chile to investigate his own adoption in 2014 where he resides until today.
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