Thriving Adoptees - Let's Heal

How To See Your Self Worth

Episode Summary

Self worth is THE issue for us all. How we see ourselves determines how we see the world. Fellow adoptee and adoptive parent Allison and I both had profound insights about or own self worth during our conversation. How we see ourselves shifted. In a GOOD way. So this is a must listen to episode for both adoptees and adoptive parents. If you're an adoptee you're going to want to listen for yourself. If you're an adoptive parent you're going to want to listen for yourself so you can deeper your own understanding. We can't share what we don't have. We can't teach what we don't understand. We can't point at what we haven't seen for ourselves. Perhaps my favourite episode in over 200 so far. Listen in with big ears.

Episode Notes

Self worth is THE issue for us all. How we see ourselves determines how we see the world. Allison and I both had profound insights about self worth during our conversation. How we see ourselves shifted. So this is a must listen to episode for both adoptees and adoptive parents. If you're an adoptee you're going to want to listen for yourself. If you're an adoptive parent you're going to want to listen for yourself so you can deeper your own understanding. We can't share what we don't have. We can't teach what we don't understand. We can't point at what we haven't seen clearly for ourselves. Perhaps my favourite episode in over 200 so far.

Being both an adoptee and an adoptive parent, Allison Olson has a unique perspective on the topic of adoption. Her goal is to build confidence and self-esteem in young adoptees by changing the adoption narrative from the “lucky" child to the “loved" child.  Allison lives in Oregon with her husband, two daughters, and their cat named Howie Meowie.

Her award winning book Surrounded by Love: An Open Adoption Stor

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